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Motor third-party liability insurance

17 March 2022

#RFdlaUkrainy – compulsory motor third-party liability insurance for holders of vehicles used in Poland and other European Union countries

Holders of vehicles registered in Ukraine, driving in the territory of Poland and other European Union countries must have a valid “Green Card” policy.

The “Green Card” system was created to make travelling abroad by car easier. It ensures that drivers do not have to buy motor third-party liability insurance (MTPL) in every country they drive through. A “Green Card” can be obtained by purchasing it from the insurance company with which the holder of a vehicle registered in Ukraine has taken out third-party liability insurance for their vehicle as an additional option. The Ukrainian insurer then issues a “Green Card” certificate for your vehicle in addition to your MTPL policy. If you do not have this certificate together with the document confirming that you have taken out MTPL when crossing the border, it is very likely that a “Green Card” was not purchased.

If you wish to travel in Poland or other European Union countries by car, but do not have a “Green Card”, you must take out so-called border third-party liability insurance when entering Poland. This may be done by the owner of the vehicle or any other person currently using the vehicle.

Border insurance can be taken out at most insurance companies offering vehicle insurance in Poland. Border insurance must be taken out for a period of not less than 30 days.

Please be informed that some Polish insurance companies offer free of charge one-month (for 30 days) border third-party liability insurance to refugees from Ukraine. Such insurance can be taken out free of charge via helplines or at the agents of these insurers.

If you have a “Green Card” from Ukraine, you must remember that it expires at the end of the current third-party liability insurance for your vehicle. Then, in order to travel in the territory of Poland, you must take out a new motor third-party liability insurance policy in Ukraine together with a new “Green Card” or take out border insurance in Poland.

Please also note that other motor insurance such as motor hull insurance, accident insurance, assistance and legal protection are voluntary.


The Financial Ombudsman’s website in Ukrainian
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