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World Consumer Rights Day for Ukrainians

15 March 2022

Polish offices in a joint action for consumers from Ukraine. The Financial Ombudsman asks that the published legal advice be widely distributed to individuals and institutions helping refugees.

The Financial Ombudsman has joined an information and education campaign by Polish offices aimed at providing Ukrainian citizens with consumer rights enjoyed by all citizens of Poland and the European Union. The Financial Ombudsman appeals to volunteers, the media, other central and local government offices to pass on published messages, advice and warnings about financial and insurance products to guests from Ukraine.

Every year on 15 March, we celebrate World Consumer Rights Day in commemoration of US President John F. Kennedy’s speech 60 years ago. At that time, he declared that we are all consumers and outlined four basic rights for each of us: the right to be informed, the right to choose, the right to safety, and the right to be heard.

The Financial Ombudsman and 6 other institutions: the European Consumer Centre, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, the Office of Electronic Communications, the Personal Data Protection Office, the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and the Office of Rail Transport are preparing useful information for guests from Ukraine.

Officials hope to make it easier for refugees to shop, travel and use services, including financial services and products in Poland and other EU countries. As consumers in the EU are protected under different laws than in Ukraine, Polish authorities want to make the most important issues of our law more accessible to Ukrainian citizens.

According to representatives of the Financial Ombudsman’s Office, the current situation is aggravated by the actions of dishonest entities which take advantage of the difficult position of the victims of the war and may offer them contracts on very unfavourable terms.

The Financial Ombudsman therefore asks volunteers, representatives of national and local media as well as other central and local government offices to distribute as widely as possible the messages, advice and warnings prepared by the experts of the Financial Ombudsman’s Office and published on www.rf.gov.pl and in social media.

Yesterday, the Financial Ombudsman intervened following indications received about the broadcast of an advertisement for short-term loans “Kapusta.24”. He asked both the company whose product was featured in the advertisement and the Polish Association of Loan Institutions for an explanation. The Financial Ombudsman assured in yesterday’s announcement that he would react to all indications concerning irregularities related to financial and insurance products and services offered to Ukrainian citizens in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Joining the “We are all consumers” campaign, the Financial Ombudsman has published information material in Polish and Ukrainian containing advice to bear in mind when entering into a loan agreement.

Today, the Financial Ombudsman also launched a special email address ua-porady@rf.gov.pl, to which Ukrainian citizens in their native language can address queries, doubts and requests for advice on financial and insurance products and services offered in the Polish market.

From now on, the Financial Ombudsman’s website and its social media channels will successively feature further advice related to the rights and obligations of consumers of financial services. In addition, the Financial Ombudsman’s website, currently available in Polish, English and French, will soon be enhanced with a version in Ukrainian.

Activities of other offices

In the guide “Your rights in Poland – CONSUMER GUIDEBOOK”) (https://www.uakonsument.uokik.gov.pl), prepared in Ukrainian, the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection has focused on basic consumer rights. Guests from Ukraine will learn, among other things:

  • where to find free legal aid,
  • what to do if a product purchased is faulty,
  • what rules apply when shopping in brick and mortar shops and what rules apply when shopping online,
  • how to buy safely online.

Also visit the websites of other World Consumer Rights Day partners:

European Consumer Centre: If you are planning to travel from Poland to another country, read the basic information about your rights as a consumer when travelling in the EU, Norway, Iceland and the UK

Polish Financial Supervision Authority: Information on insurers and banks – entity search engine

Office of Electronic Communications: Tips on how to use the services of telecommunications operators

Personal Data Protection Office: How to protect personal data and privacy and how to navigate the internet safely

Office of Rail Transport: Information on free rail travel opportunities. Also find out what your rights are as a passenger

And if you are looking for accommodation, humanitarian aid, transport or any other form of support, visit pomagamukrainie.gov.pl


The Financial Ombudsman’s website in Ukrainian
Online safety. Beware of cybercriminals!
An illusory insurance contract to a loan. The court agreed with the Financial Ombudsman and ruled in favour of the borrower who was ill.