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The Financial Ombudsman is preparing his position for the Supreme Court.

24 May 2021

The Financial Ombudsman started work on his position on the legal issues covered by the motion of the First President of the Supreme Court in case III CZP 11/21.

The press spokesperson of the Supreme Court informed that on May 11, 2021, the composition of the entire Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court considering at a closed session the request of the First President of the Supreme Court of January 29, 2021, to resolve discrepancies in the interpretation of legal provisions in the case law of common courts and the Supreme Court concerning loans indexed and denominated in foreign currencies, decided to inform the Financial Ombudsman about the ongoing proceedings and asked for his position on the legal issues covered by the request of the First President of the Supreme Court.

According to the announcement, the composition of the entire Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court made this decision taking into account the social and economic importance of the issues presented to it for resolution.

The Financial Ombudsman has started work on his position. In the morning, a briefing took place at the Office of the Financial Ombudsman, during which a work plan was defined. In his work, the Financial Ombudsman places particular emphasis on the effects of the proposed solutions on the legal system.

“I have made a decision to review the existing positions,”says dr. hab. Mariusz Jerzy Golecki, professor at the University of Łódź, Financial Ombudsman. “Due to the importance of the issue, I do not exclude a change of position with regard to individual issues, also bearing in mind the latest case law of common courts, the Supreme Court, and the Court of Justice of the European Union.”


The Financial Ombudsman’s website in Ukrainian
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