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A warning from the Financial Ombudsman – watch out for cryptocurrency loans

19 March 2021

The Financial Ombudsman’s office receives client complaints about entities that require prepayment in exchange for a loan promise. Recently, they concern a company that promised a loan using cryptocurrencies.

In the past few weeks, the Financial Ombudsman has received over a dozen requests from clients complaining about the activities of one of the loan companies. It makes granting a loan dependent on the client’s payment of certain funds. They are to be used to cover the costs of the loan-related fees. Most often, these are amounts of about 1,000 PLN, but one of the persons paid as much as 19,000 PLN. Additionally, the company requires the establishment of collateral, e.g. in the form of a promissory note. Despite the fulfillment of these conditions, the money does not go to clients, and contact with its representatives is difficult.

– The case is particularly worrying because in many cases it can be people who are in a poor financial situation, often already excessively indebted and with an unfavorable credit history. These people are particularly vulnerable to unfair practices of lenders, because they often operate under pressure and do not have sufficient knowledge to analyze the concluded contract. After reviewing the clients’ explanations and the documents provided, we can see that the company’s actions can be considered unfair or even fraudulent. Therefore, we informed the relevant state authorities – says dr. hab. Jakub Szczerbowski, director of the Banking and Capital Market Customer Department in the office of the Financial Ombudsman.

The contracts analyzed by the experts of the Financial Ombudsman contain a number of questionable provisions regarding activities preceding the granting of the loan. The mechanism of transferring funds to the clients is also surprising.

– The borrower is allegedly reserving funds in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Bitcoins are converted into US dollars. Then the US dollars are converted into Polish zlotys. Funds in Polish zlotys – in accordance with the provisions of the contract – should be made available to the borrower via a prepaid payment card – describes Paulina Tronowska, legal advisor at the office of the Financial Ombudsman.

In its view, this method of performance has no economic justification. It may in fact provide a facade for the actual actions of the subject, obscure the true picture of the situation and distract the consumer, preventing him or her from making a rational decision.

– If anything raises your doubts, you should refrain from signing such an agreement. You have the right to obtain an information form to read the terms and conditions. It is also worth searching the Internet for information about the company and the way it operates. If you have already decided to conclude such an agreement and during its implementation you have doubts as to the fairness and lawfulness of its provisions, a complaint should be submitted to the financial market entity. If it is not examined in accordance with our expectations, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman for and intervention or an amicable settlement. When you suspect that you have fallen victim to fraud, you should contact the Police or the Prosecutor’s Office as soon as possible – says Paulina Tronowska.

It encourages immediate action by people who feel disadvantaged by the actions of financial market entities or other entities offering financial services.

– This will allow the competent authorities to react quickly to possible irregularities in the financial market. It can also help protect other market participants from unfavorable disposal of their savings – says Paulina Tronowska.


The Financial Ombudsman’s website in Ukrainian
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