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Accessibility declaration

Ensuring digital, architectural and information and communication accessibility

Office of the Financial Ombudsman makes every effort to ensure access to the Office’s buildings, published information and websites to all persons.

Everyone, without having to demonstrate legal or actual interest, has the right to inform the BRF about the lack of architectural or information and communication accessibility and to request digital accessibility.

Moreover, if there are difficulties at the premises that make it difficult for a person with special needs to settle their matter with the BRF, it is possible to submit an application to ensure architectural or information and communication accessibility.

Digital accessibility

Accessibility declaration

The Financial Ombudsman undertakes to ensure the accessibility of his website in accordance with the provisions of the Act of April 4, 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The Accessibility Statement applies to the Financial Ombudsman website.

Website publication date: 08/05/2024.

Date of last major update: 08/05/2024.

The state of digital accessibility

The website complies with the Act of April 4, 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities, due to the inconsistencies or exclusions listed below.

Preparation of an accessibility declaration

Date of preparation of the declaration: 08/05/2024.

The declaration was prepared on the basis of a study conducted by an external entity: Nfinity.pl sp. z o.o. based in Wrocław, regarding the availability of the website https://rf.gov.pl/  and based on a public entity’s self-assessment of architectural accessibility.

Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use standard keyboard shortcuts on the website.

Information about the lack of digital availability

Everyone, without having to demonstrate legal or actual interest, has the right to inform the RF Office about the lack of digital availability. Please send information via e-mail dostepnosc@rf.gov.pl, e-PUAP, by letter or in person.

In your application, please provide:

  • your name and surname,
  • your contact details (e.g. telephone number, e-mail),
  • the exact address of the website where the item or content is unavailable.
  • describe what the problem is and what way to solve it would be most convenient for you.

Application to ensure digital accessibility

Pursuant to Art. 18 section 1 of the Act on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities, everyone has the right to request the public entity to ensure digital accessibility of a given website, mobile application or website element or to make it available via an alternative access method.

How to apply:

An application for digital accessibility can be submitted:

  • in person at the address of the Office of the Financial Ombudsman, ul. Nowogrodzka 47A, 00-695 Warsaw,
  • by post to the address above,
  • via e-mail dostepnosc@rf.gov.pl
  • via e-PUAP.

A digital accessibility application may be used.

The application should include:

  • contact details of the person submitting the request,
  • indication of the website (or part thereof) that is to be digitally available,
  • indication of how to contact the person submitting the request,
  • indication of an alternative method of access (if applicable).

Handling requests and complaints related to digital accessibility

We will respond to your application as soon as possible, no later than within 7 days of receiving it.

If this deadline is too short for us, we will inform you about it. In this information, we will provide a new deadline by which we will correct the errors you have reported or prepare the information in an alternative way. This new deadline will not be longer than 2 months.

If we are unable to ensure the digital availability of the website or content as requested by you, we will offer you access to it in an alternative way.


In the event of refusal to provide the digital accessibility indicated in the application or in the event of refusal to use an alternative method of access, the person submitting the application has the right to submit a complaint to the Office of the Financial Ombudsman. The provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure apply to the consideration of complaints regarding ensuring digital accessibility.

Architectural and information and communication accessibility

Architectural accessibility

  1. The building where the Financial Ombudsman’s Office is located is located at ul. Nowogrodzka 47A in Warsaw.
  2. The building where the office of the field representative of the Financial Ombudsman is located is located at Krakowskie Przedmieście 22, lok. 1 in Lublin.
  3. The building where the office of the field representative of the Financial Ombudsman is located is located at ul. Prosta 1/2 lok. 5 in Olsztyn.

Accessibility to the above-mentioned locations is described below.

Description of accessibility to the Financial Ombudsman’s Office in Warsaw:

  1. The building where the Financial Ombudsman’s Office is located is located at ul. Nowogrodzka 47A.
  2. The entrance door to the building is wheelchair accessible. They are not operated automatically, but there is always a person inside who will help you open them. The doors are double-leaf, with a total width of 186 cm and lead to a large hall.
  3. Immediately after entering the building, in the hall, on the left, there is the Information Point of the Financial Ombudsman’s Office, and a few meters further on the right, the building security station.
  4. There is a small ramp leading to the Information Point of the Financial Ombudsman’s Office.
  5. There is no voice information or induction loops in the building.
  6. There are no Braille signs in the building, no contrast markings or no large print markings for the visually impaired.
  7. There are several parking spaces for people with disabilities near the building.
  8. You can enter the building and all its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog.
  9. There is no sign language interpreter.

Description of accessibility to the office of the field representative of the Financial Ombudsman in Lublin:

  1. The building where the office of the Financial Ombudsman’s representative is located is located at ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 22 lok. 1.
  2. There are no stairs in front of the entrance to the building.
  3. The entrance door to the building is wheelchair accessible. The door is single-leaf, with a total width of approx. 100 cm, opened with considerable force, outwards, unlocked by an intercom, and leads to the hall.
  4. On the ground floor there is an elevator with a door width of 90 cm.
  5. The office of the field representative of the Financial Ombudsman is located on the first floor.
  6. After leaving the elevator on the first floor, there is a 100 cm wide wooden door that opens outwards manually, using considerable force.
  7. There is a secretariat desk at the entrance.
  8. There is no voice information or induction loops in the building.
  9. There are no Braille signs in the building, no contrast markings or no large print markings for the visually impaired.
  10. There are several parking spaces for people with disabilities near the building.
  11. You can enter the building and all its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog.
  12. There is no sign language interpreter.
  13. To arrange an appointment, please contact us in advance:
    1. Phone 22 333 73 31. Available on Monday from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. and from Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
    2. e-mail: biuro.lublin@rf.gov.pl

Description of accessibility to the office of the field representative of the Financial Ombudsman in Olsztyn:

  • The building where the office of the field representative of the Financial Ombudsman is located is located at ul. Prosta 1/2 lok. 5.
  • There is no voice information or induction loops in the building.
  • There are no Braille signs in the building, no contrast markings or no large print markings for the visually impaired.
  • There are several parking spaces for people with disabilities near the building.
  • You can enter the building and all its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog.
  • There is no sign language interpreter.
  • To arrange an appointment, please contact us in advance:
    • Phone 22 333 73 37. Available on Monday from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. and from Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
    • e-mail: biuro.olsztyn@rf.gov.pl

Informing about the lack of architectural or information and communication accessibility

Everyone, without having to demonstrate legal or actual interest, has the right to inform the RF Office about the lack of architectural or information and communication accessibility. Please send information via e-mail dostepnosc@rf.gov.pl, e-PUAP, by letter or in person.

In your application, please provide:

  • your name and surname,
  • your contact details (e.g. telephone number, e-mail),
  • the exact address of the website where the item or content is unavailable.
  • describe what the problem is and what way to solve it would be most convenient for you.

Application to ensure architectural or information and communication accessibility

Pursuant to Art. 30 of the Act on ensuring accessibility for persons with special needs, a person with special needs or his or her statutory representative, after demonstrating an actual interest, has the right to submit an application for ensuring architectural or information and communication accessibility.

How to apply:

An application for accessibility can be submitted:

  • in person at the address of the Office of the Financial Ombudsman, ul. Nowogrodzka 47A, 00-695 Warsaw,
  • by post to the address above,
  • via e-mail dostepnosc@rf.gov.pl
  • via e-PUAP.

You can use an architectural or information and communication accessibility application or write it yourself.

The application should include:

  • applicant’s contact details,
  • indication of a barrier that makes it difficult or impossible to resolve the matter in the field of architecture or information and communication,
  • indication of how to contact the applicant,
  • indication of the preferred method of ensuring accessibility (if applicable).

Consideration of the application:

We will respond to your application as soon as possible, no later than within 7 days of receiving it.

If this deadline is too short for us, we will inform you about it. In this information, we will provide a new deadline by which we will correct the errors you have reported or prepare the information in an alternative way. This new deadline will not be longer than 2 months.

If we are unable to ensure architectural or information and communication accessibility, we will offer you access to them in an alternative way.


If the BRF, despite submitting an application, does not ensure accessibility, you can file a complaint about lack of availability to the President of the Management Board of PFRON within 30 days from the date on which the deadline for ensuring accessibility expired or from receiving a refusal to ensure accessibility.

After considering the complaint, the President of the Management Board of PFRON issues a decision which: orders accessibility to be ensured in a specified manner, within a period of not less than 30 days, and in particularly complicated cases – not less than 60 days, from the date of delivery of the decision, or exempts the person from ensuring accessibility. The President of the Management Board of PFRON may also end the proceedings without issuing a decision and discontinue the entire proceedings if the complaint is groundless.

Accessibility coordinator at the Office of the Financial Ombudsman:

Robert Metzgier

conatact: dostepnosc@rf.gov.pl