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3 February 2022
Remember to take out a valid third-party liability insurance policy!
18 January 2022
The bank must give the commission back to the customers
14 January 2022
Important resolution of the Supreme Court upon the Financial Ombudsman’s motion
11 January 2022
Another step towards normalising the lending market. Victory for the Financial Ombudsman
28 December 2021
Mr Ziemowit Bagłajewski appointed as Deputy Financial Ombudsman
9 December 2021
Dr Bohdan Pretkiel appointed as Financial Ombudsman
3 February 2022
Remember to take out a valid third-party liability insurance policy!
18 January 2022
The bank must give the commission back to the customers
14 January 2022
Important resolution of the Supreme Court upon the Financial Ombudsman’s motion
11 January 2022
Another step towards normalising the lending market. Victory for the Financial Ombudsman
28 December 2021
Mr Ziemowit Bagłajewski appointed as Deputy Financial Ombudsman
9 December 2021
Dr Bohdan Pretkiel appointed as Financial Ombudsman