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Settlement between the Financial Ombudsman and InterRisk

4 October 2021

The Financial Ombudsman informs that on 24 September 2021 a settlement was concluded between the Financial Ombudsman and InterRisk before the Regional Court in Warsaw, under which the Insurer will amend the content of the General Conditions of Auto+ Package insurance, as postulated by the Financial Ombudsman, approved by Resolution no. 04/25/06/2019 of the Management Board of InterRisk. Establishing a new content of the definition of total damage results in the introduction of uniform principles of damage qualification and its amount calculation – with reference to both total damage and partial damage.

Detailed information on this subject has been posted on the InterRisk website (News sub-site). The amended General Conditions of Auto+ Package insurance will be published on InterRisk’s website (the sub-site concerning motor insurance) by 15 October 2021 at the latest. The settlement, negotiated in an atmosphere of mutual concern for the good of the clients and mutual understanding of the parties’ positions, was concluded in the best interests of the Insured and those seeking insurance protection.


The Financial Ombudsman’s website in Ukrainian
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