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Financial Ombudsman Office

Nowogrodzka 47A Street , 00-695 Warszawa
Tax Identification Number: 525 15 66 173
National Official Business Register Number: 011335893
General phone and reception:
+48 22 333-73-26,
+48 22 333-73-27
fax +48 22 333-73-29
e-mail :

Experts’ Duty Hours

Have you received a decision from a financial institution? Do you disagree with it or simply do not understand it? Or maybe you feel wronged by their actions but don’t know what your rights are?. You can consult with our experts. They provide assistance during telephone duty hours and respond to email inquiries. They will advise you on what steps you can take next in your case.

22 333 73 28

from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (on Monday) and from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (from Tuesday to Friday) – experts in the field of:

  • business insurance,
  • particularly motor insurance (OC, AC, assistance),
  • life insurance,
  • accident insurance,
  • home and apartment insurance,
  • travel insurance,
  • loans,
  • small and medium enterprises,
  • agricultural insurance, etc.
22 333 73 25

from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – experts in the field of:

  • problems with banks,
  • the capital market.
22 333 73 32

from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (on Monday) and from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (on Wednesday and Friday) – for:

  • members of Open Pension Funds,
  • participants of Employee Pension Schemes,
  • individuals using individual retirement accounts.

Press Office

Media representatives are welcome to contact us.

Press Office
e-mail : sekretariat.dek@rf.gov.pl
Maciej Sawa
Spokesperson e-mail : m.sawa@rf.gov.pl
Phone: +48 502 517 519

Office of the Regional Representative of the Financial Ombudsman

Office of the Regional Representative of the Financial Ombudsman in Lublin
Krakowskie Przedmieście Street 22 lok. 1.
Phone: 22 333 73 31 
Office of the Regional Representative of the Financial Ombudsman in Olsztyn
Prosta Street 1/2 lok. 5, 10-029 Olsztyn
Phone: 22 333 73 37